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  Examination Rules and Regulations

  1.All examinations will be held at the set time with each candidate occupying one separate space.Anyone arriving more than 30 minutes after the starting time or having been regularly absent more than one third of the taught lesson will not be allowed to take the exam.Candidates are allowed to leave the exam room 30 minutes after the commencement.However,candidates can not leave in the last 15 minutes of an exam.

  2.Candidates should sit the exam in assigned seats.They are not allowed to change seats.Their ID is to be placed as instructed.

  3.Only take into the exam room the materials and equipment that are allowed.Candidates will be sent away to store their school bags and any unauthorized items in a designated place.Possession or application of any tele-communication device is prohibited.Using electronic communication devices,or being discovered to possess books,notes and materials connected with the exam are breaking the rules.

  4.All answers are to be written in black and blue ink with pens or ball pens.Pencils or red pens are not accepted.

  5.Write your name,student ID number,class and other required details before answering the questions.Written scripts must be legible.

  6.Eating,drinking and smoking in the examination room is banned.Candidates will not normally be allowed to leave the exam room during the examination.He/she can be escorted by the invigilator under exceptional circumstances.If the candidate needs to do anything other than the examination itself,raise a hand to seek permission from the invigilator.

  7.Candidates must stop writing at the set time and immediately hand in their papers.As per 1 above,candidates may leave when they have finished their papers.Anyone who leaves early must do so in silence and move well away from the examination site.Loud talking is not permitted close to the examination site.Those who leave early must not return during the remainder of the exam.It is regarded as violation of these rules and regulations if item 6 and 7 are not followed.

  8.Candidates are to follow the instructions given by the invigilator.Exam rules and regulations are to be obeyed.Candidates are not allowed to copy the contents of any books,notebooks or answers by other students.During the exam,candidates must not exchange information in anyway with each other.Neither may they pass on their answer keys.They must only sit their own exams.Neither do they sit exams for other people.

  9.Any alleged evidence of misconduct during an exam must be corrected immediately on the spot.Anyone who objects to correction is considered cheating on that exam..

  10.There will be zero tolerance of any cheating or dishonest practice.Anyone who is discovered cheating on an exam will be rated“zero”with their record showing“cheating”in the exam flow chart.That candidate will also suffer the penalty of being named to the whole school.He/she will not be allowed to participate in any deferred exam for the subject or re-do the course.


  School of International Education,OUC




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